1947-Old Delhi Walking Tour: A Love Story

History whispers secrets, passion ignites, as a forbidden love blossoms between a British girl and her Old Delhi tour guide on the cusp of Indian independence. Dive into “15th August 1947: An Old Delhi Heritage Walk-Street Food Delight with Best Guide’s Love Story ...

Delhi Tour Guide Harry
9 min readJul 6, 2024
1947-Old Delhi Walking Tour: A Love Story

The humid August air clung to me like a second skin as I raced down the stairs, two at a time. Today was the 15th of August, 1947, and the entire city crackled with anticipation. My father, a Superintendent in the Public Works and Building Directorate, had just returned in his shiny Austin Morris, a whirlwind of excitement swirling around him. The Viceroy, Lord Mountbatten, and Mr. Nehru were to address the nation from the Red Fort, and a grand ceremony was planned.

“A great day tomorrow!” he boomed, his voice echoing in the high-ceilinged living room. My sister and I, wide-eyed and full of questions, clung to his words. “All officers have been assigned special duties,” he explained, “and your mother and I have been invited to a grand party at the Viceroy’s House in Lutyens Delhi.”

My heart sank. As much as the grand party intrigued me, another adventure bubbled in my stomach. “Mother,” I pleaded, “can I go on an Old Delhi Heritage Walk with Harry?” Harry was our neighbor’s son, living in the staff quarters behind our imposing English bungalow in Civil Lines, near Kashmiri Gate. He dreamt of becoming a tour guide and spent his days devouring history books and weaving stories about the ancient city.

My mother, after a silent debate with herself, finally conceded. “Alright,” she said, “but be back by sunset, and promise to stick to the main roads.”

Elated, I sent a breathless message through our audile, the trusted maid who ran errands, to Harry. The next morning, as dawn painted the sky a vibrant orange, my father, looking dapper in his suit, left for his duty. I, in a smart purple and white dress with pink socks peeking from my sandals, snuck out to the porch where Harry waited on his trusty Robin Hood bicycle.

See: Old Delhi Walking Tour Meeting Place Distance Route Price

1947-Old Delhi Walking Tour: A Love Story

He looked surprisingly charming in my father’s old coat, a hint of rebellion in his eyes. With a quick exchange of smiles, we set off, the wheels of his bicycle carrying us away from the manicured lawns of Civil Lines towards the bustling heart of Old Delhi. The city thrummed with a strange energy, a mix of excitement and apprehension. Little did I know, this adventure through the narrow lanes, past ancient mosques and bustling bazaars, would become more than just a walk — it would be the first step on a brand new path, a path paved with the stories of a city on the cusp of change.

Perched precariously on the front of Harry’s trusty Robin Hood, the wind whipped through my hair, carrying a symphony of city sounds. We raced towards the Red Fort, dodging pedestrians and weaving through throngs of people all hurrying towards the ceremony. Every time Harry braked, his arm would reach out instinctively to steady me, sending shivers down my spine. Whether necessary or not, it felt like a secret language, a touch that spoke volumes.

1947-Old Delhi Walking Tour: A Love Story

Reaching the Red Fort was like stepping into a human sea. People from all corners of Delhi, perhaps even Mehrauli, Tughlaqabad, and Siri, had converged. Bullock carts and horse carriages jostled for space, while vendors hawked their wares to the excited crowd. Harry secured his bicycle with a practiced lick, and we plunged into the throng. He bought me plump, juicy Jamuns wrapped in a discarded newspaper, their sweet tanginess a perfect counterpoint to the electric atmosphere. Suddenly, the air was split by the shriek of sirens. A convoy of military jeeps, trailing clouds of red dust, emerged, emblazoned with the Union Jack alongside a brand new flag — a vibrant tricolour.

“The saffron represents courage,” Harry explained, anticipating my question, his voice a soothing balm to my bubbling curiosity, “the green for prosperity, and the white for peace. The Ashoka Chakra in the centre is the wheel of dharma, the wheel of transformation.”

The crowd erupted in cheers of “Mahatma Gandhi Zindabad!” and “Nehru Zindabad!” Though my heart ached with the absence of the Mahatma himself, Harry assured me he would be in Calcutta for a week, and then, he promised, we’d visit Mahatma Gandhi at Birla House to see him. His knowledge poured out effortlessly, each answer a key unlocking a new facet of the unfolding drama.

1947-Old Delhi Walking Tour: A Love Story

The jeeps screeched to a halt, disgorging Lord Mountbatten and a retinue of British officers. A flurry of activity ensued — bugles blared a regal call, followed by a sharp crackle of gunfire. “Seventeen-gun salute,” Harry informed me.

The throng pressed forward, eager for a glimpse of history in the making. But the crush of bodies threatened to engulf me. In a flash, Harry bent down, a mischievous glint in his eye. Before I could react, he lifted me onto his shoulders. And there I was, a makeshift Sultan of Delhi, surveying the scene from atop a human throne. My heart soared, not just from the view, but from the thrill of being in Harry’s capable arms.

1947-Old Delhi Walking Tour: A Love Story

A wave of longing washed over me. I wished, with every fiber of my being, that he could be more than just a guide, a friend. But my father’s words echoed in my mind — the days of the British Raj were numbered, a return to England inevitable. Yet, even as bittersweet reality threatened to dampen my spirits, Harry’s infectious enthusiasm rekindled the spark. This tour, this day, wouldn’t be just another memory. It would be the first chapter in a story yet to be written, a story woven with the threads of history, the magic of Delhi, and a budding love that dared to defy the uncertainties of a changing world.

Book: Heritage Walk at Old Delhi

As the echoes of the national anthem faded, a flurry of white pigeons soared into the sky, carrying with them the hopes of a newborn nation. Kites danced on the breeze above the majestic Jama Masjid, mirroring the jubilation that thrummed through the air. Perched on Harry’s shoulders, I felt like a queen myself, surveying my newfound kingdom. This wasn’t just a tour; it was the first chapter of our story.

The Red Fort, bathed in the golden hues of the afternoon sun, whispered tales of Mughal grandeur. Harry, my sweet Delhi tour guide, held my hand, his touch sending a delicious shiver down my spine. Inside the bustling Meena Bazaar, he bought me a pashmina stole, the soft fabric gently draped around my head like a bridal veil. A secret wish fluttered in my heart — to be Harry’s bride, forever bound by an invisible knot.

In the Hall of Common Audience, where Shah Jahan once held court, Harry’s voice took on a hypnotic quality, weaving tales of emperors and princesses. The hushed air of the royal harem hung heavy with the whispers of forgotten queens. We settled ourselves on a silken divan, the worn fabric cool against my skin. Harry, his handsome face etched with the passion of his storytelling, perched a respectful two steps below me. His voice, a gentle caress on the summer breeze, unfolded the tale of Princess Jahanara, Shah Jahan’s eldest daughter.

1947-Old Delhi Walking Tour: A Love Story

As he spoke, his gaze met mine, a spark of unspoken understanding flickering between us. My breath hitched when I noticed a stray piece of grass clinging to the strap of my sandal. Before I could make a move, Harry’s hand reached out, his touch feather-light as he brushed it away. The gesture, seemingly ordinary, resonated deep within me. It was a silent declaration of trust, a reassurance that transcended words.

Old Delhi Heritage Walk tour

His warm fingers lingered for a fleeting moment, sending a jolt through my core. In that space between breaths, our eyes locked, a secret language passing between us. With a slow, almost reverent movement, he gently nudged my knees together. It wasn’t a possessive gesture, but a subtle offering of respect, a recognition of the intimate space we shared within the vast halls of the Red Fort.

The touch, though light, ignited a fire within me. Despite the sheer audacity of our attraction, an unshakeable trust bloomed between us. Rising to his feet, a silent invitation in his eyes, he led me out of the harem, the promise of a future unknown yet exhilarating hanging heavy in the air. We walked towards the Hayat Bakhsh Gardens, the weight of history now intertwined with the blossoming of our forbidden love.

1947-Old Delhi Walking Tour: A Love Story

Our legs brushed as he gently nudged mine together, a silent conversation in the hushed grandeur of the royal harem. As we strolled through the Hayat Bakhsh Gardens, the monsoon breezes carrying the scent of jasmine, Harry’s arm encircled my waist, drawing me closer. It felt like a homecoming, a place where I belonged.

1947-Old Delhi Walking Tour: A Love Story

Climbing the steps of the Jama Masjid, the world below became a tapestry of color and sound. Harry helped me into the prayer robes, his eyes holding a tenderness that made my heart skip a beat. Sharing kebabs and masala chai on the steps of the mosque, I looked at him with eyes brimming with affection. He was more than a guide; he was becoming the map to my soul.

1947-Old Delhi Walking Tour: A Love Story

The twilight painted the sky in fiery hues as we rode back on his trusty bicycle. The milky kulfi he bought for me was a sweet prelude to the even sweeter moment when our lips brushed while sharing a bite. It was a stolen taste of what could be, a forbidden fruit dangling before my eyes.

Reaching Delhi Junction, the rhythmic clatter of the approaching Punjab Mail echoed our racing hearts. I chose a secluded bench, my fingers intertwined with Harry’s. As he traced lines on my thigh, explaining the intricacies of the railway lines, I marveled at his innate ability to connect.

1947-Old Delhi Walking Tour: A Love Story

The darkness, like a conspirator, shrouded us as we reached home. My father’s Austin stood sentinel in the driveway, a reminder of the world I had to return to. As I dismounted from the bicycle, Harry’s grip tightened around my waist, pulling me close. The French kiss he stole from me was a bold declaration, a promise whispered against my lips.

1947-Old Delhi Walking Tour: A Love Story

Lying in bed that night, I shared the events of the day with my sister, her embrace a comforting presence. But my dreams were filled with the sights and sounds of Delhi, and with Harry, my love story disguised as a Delhi tour guide adventure. Though miles now separated London and Delhi, the embers of our connection still glowed, a promise waiting to be fulfilled. The India Pakistan partition crisis loomed large, a dark cloud on the horizon. But in my heart, a prayer echoed — “Ameen,” a silent wish for a future where love would conquer all, and I would be reunited with my Harry.



Delhi Tour Guide Harry

Contact Phone: 9811500757 Best Delhi Tour Guide: (20 yrs!). Guiding you through history & hidden gems, while learning from YOU too! Let's explore together!